All Saints' Church Bolton Percy

JUNE 2018 – A Statement of Progress

“They think it’s all over…..”

Do you remember the Heritage Lottery funded project for the re-roofing works at All Saints, Bolton Percy?  I bet you thought it was all over.  Well it is now.  (Apologies, but it is a World Cup year).

Those of you who can remember that far back will recall that we had a hog roast event on the village green in July 2017 to celebrate the (virtual) completion of the roof works.  And then in October 2017 we had a church service of celebration and thanksgiving to recognise the (actual) completion of the roof works.  You could, therefore, be forgiven for thinking it had all been done and dusted.  So, why, in June 2018, (at the time of writing) are we only now saying we’re at the stage where the PCC can finally shake hands with the HLF and other grant funding bodies and go their separate ways?  Because the project was more than just a re-roofing job. 

Heritage Based Activities

Typically, grant funding comes with strings attached such as the requirement to “deliver heritage focused activities” that are intended to provide a continuing legacy and conserve the heritage of the church for future generations.  You will have seen much of the output from those activities which have included:

  • Restoration and ongoing maintenance of our renowned Cemetery Garden
  • Research into the names commemorated on the war memorial and production of a catalogue that registers the background and service record of the individuals where this is known

  • Research at the Borthwick Institute and subsequent collation of a copy of Parish Records dating back to the 16th century now available as a valuable source of reference

  • Web site development

  • Research into various notable historical clerics and other characters associated with All Saints including the acclaimed 17th century metaphysical poet,  Andrew Marvell, Archdeacon Creyke and the former curate Henry Hunnings [1] who made a significant contribution to the development of the telephone

  • Work undertaken by Sarah and Richard firm of Spirited Heritage.  This included extensive research into the history of All Saints and the production of a wealth of information and reference material and numerous short, high quality videos some of which focus on notable features of All Saints, its fabric, monuments, stained glass and the like;  others are clips of interviews with volunteers who talk about their area of activity or interest

The vast majority of this work has been undertaken by volunteers and has extended beyond the period of the roofing works with the modest expenses associated with it being captured by the grant funding process.  Whilst there are some loose ends to tidy up, we are effectively at a point where the costs to be recovered from grant funding have fully crystallised. 

Extended Scope

The genesis of the project lay in the 2013 church architect’s inspection and report.   This five yearly “MOT” on the church fabric and fixtures, referred to as the quinquennial inspection (QI), alerts the PCC (and the Diocese) to any issues which might need addressing.  Whilst the re-roofing emerged as the marquee project from that inspection there were other issues that needed to be dealt with also, notably restoration of the 17th century bells [2] and 16th century sun dial [3] .  Whilst these represented important conservation works the scoping of them was insufficiently advanced to be included at the time of the original grant applications to funding bodies. 

However, as the roof project developed, it became apparent we were going to deliver comfortably within the original financial budget and, to their credit, HLF agreed to extend the definition of works attributed to their funding to accommodate the costs of the works to the bells and sun dial and also to extend the period of the project pending their completion.   This represented a very significant supplement to other funds that had been pledged specifically for these separate works.

Balancing the Books

After providing for the additional costs of these works the project still ended up within its original budget.  The total cost for roofing works, bells, sun dial and heritage activity expenditure was slightly over £260,000 against which HLF have made a final contribution of over £170,000, consistent with their original pledge.  Contributions from other grant funders amount to £48,000 in round figures and, with VAT recoveries under a government sponsored scheme, the net cost to the PCC is slightly over £2,000 payable out of its dedicated roof fund. 


Another qualifying criterion of grant funding is that the relevant body is given appropriate acknowledgement.  We have done this through various notices and articles throughout the project and provide a consolidated list in the panel below of all those organisations and bodies that have provided financial support.

Credit should also be given to the volunteers who have given their time and worked so tirelessly in managing the process over an extended period.  The combined contributions of funders and volunteers have helped the PCC to undertake important work of conservation whilst the heritage activities will provide a continuing focus for future work on a venerable building and much loved parish church.

In addition to their fund raising events, at the outset, the Friends of All Saints made a crucially important pledge of £50,000 from their funds towards the cost of the roof project.  In the event this was not called upon.  But it was significant nevertheless because, in the eyes of potential funders, it helped to de-risk the project and was thereby instrumental in persuading them to provide their own financial support.

What Next?

The money previously pledged by The Friends remains available to support future capital projects.  Speaking of which, at the time of writing, the next QI inspection is now due.  The content of the 2013 QI report turned out to be, as Stephen Fry might say, “quite interesting”.  Doubtless this year’s will also set the agenda for the next five years.  And so the circle of PCC life keeps turning.  So, in a sense, maybe it’s not all over!

Phil Heron

    –  [1] The book “Henry Hunnings MA: Inventor of the Carbon Granule Telephone Transmitter” is available from the author Alan Swain or Amazon

      –  [2] Churches Magazine June 2018

      –  [3] Churches Magazine November 2016


MAY 2018  –  Church Bell Restoration Project:

The Church Clock was re-installed with the addition of a new modern mechanism on Friday 25th May. Our thanks go to the installers Smiths of Derby for their professionalism and perseverance.

The Church Bells returned on 2nd May and were re-installed over the course of the next couple of days. Graham and James from Whites of Appleton were assisted on site by villagers Jim Davis, Alan Swain, Ian Connolly and Malcolm Harrison. Thanks also to Jason Brown for help with unloading from the lorry. 

JANUARY 2018  –  Church Bell Restoration Project:

The Church Clock was dismantled on Monday 15th January 2018 to make way for the removal and replacement of the Church Bells which are in need of urgent restoration. Unfortunately the Clock mechanism and motor was situated immediately above the trap door in the Clock Chamber floor and without the removal of these the Bells would not be able to be lowered through to the ground. The hands on the Church Clock have been set to 12 o’clock where they will remain until the Clock is back working again.

15th January 2018:- The Clock Engineer starting work on the removal of the mechanism and motor
The Clock mechanism and motor now fully removed!

On 24th and 25th January 2018 the three Church bells were removed. Graham from Whites of Appleton was assisted on site by villagers Martin Rice, Alan Swain, Ian Connolly and Malcolm Harrison, they were joined on day 2 by Gareth Vicary. The bells have been transported back to Whites’ engineering works where they will undergo restoration and refurbishment. At present they are expected to return for re-installation into the Church tower some time during April 2018. (Photos © John Giles)


AUGUST 2017  When things were getting a bit strained mid-project someone said, “It’s only a roof…” 

And, on balance, when all’s said and done and at the end of the day, if you take the timbers, stone tile covering and leadwork above the nave and aisles of All Saints’, Bolton Percy collectively that’s all they amount to.  A roof.   So how has that roof managed to occupy so much of the time of so many people over the last four years?

As the construction work on the roof draws to a close its worth reflecting on the amount of effort that has gone into the project as a whole and the purpose behind it.  And also to acknowledge the contributions from all who have supported it.

Protection  Of course, it’s not just any roof.   That’s because it protects the building of All Saints –a special building, a special place.   The physical characteristics of the building are widely known.   It is reputedly one of the finest examples of the English style of perpendicular architecture. Its stained glass windows attract visitors from all over because there are few buildings that contain such a broad range of styles from medieval through Victorian to the modern day Millennium window.   Its furniture and artefacts just bristle with heritage.    But its appeal transcends the physical structure and its contents.   You only have to read the entries in the visitors’ book to understand how much the church means to so many.

And, lest we forget, it has been a place of worship at the heart of its community since it was built in 1424.

The need for a new roof had been highlighted by architects for at least 10 years and possibly longer.  Any previous attempts to deal with the issue had been thwarted by the daunting cost of the exercise.   All credit, therefore, to those plucky pioneers who took the first tentative steps to enquire about grant funding from the HLF, Heritage Lottery Fund, in 2013.   That started a process which has not just involved the acquisition of funding and the execution of major building works; that has only been a part of the story.    The process ignited (and in some cases re-kindled) an interest in the history of the church and the place it has occupied at the centre of the community for the last 600 years or so.   

Emblem   A pre-requisite of any major HLF grant is that the underlying project leaves a lasting legacy.   The roof became an emblem of that legacy.   Along with the building works the Steering Group has also been focusing on a range of activities to promote the heritage of the church building for now and for the future.    This has depended less on finance and more on the commitment and creativity of numerous willing volunteers.   Examples include video guides of the church supported by ‘phone apps, web site development, digitisation of parish registers going back centuries, continuous cultivation of the Cemetery Garden and more besides.   Over 40 volunteers have contributed in excess of 250 man days in the last 6 months alone.

  Stimulus The roof project has also stimulated other similar projects such as the bell restoration work due to be undertaken early in 2018.

Others which will follow, subject to funding, include

  • Stained glass conservation work

  • Refurbishment of interior building finishes and monuments

  • Restoration of sun dial


At the time of writing, the roofing work is due to be completed in two weeks;  delayed by about 2 months mainly because of late delivery of roof tiles from the suppliers but, thankfully, within budget.    

The acquisition of the HLF funding represented a major landmark not just because of the funds that became available.  It provided a platform for applications to other external funders who recognise the rigour of the HLF application process and are therefore prepared to acknowledge the likely credibility and viability of the plans when agreeing to their own financial contribution.   We have expressed our thanks to funders on these pages before but, as we approach completion, it is appropriate to do so again and the identities of all external funders are shown below.    We also thank the Friends’ of All Saints’, Bolton Percy for their financial support and everyone who has provided their contributions at individual fund raising events.

There are others to be acknowledged and thanked also; the residents who live close to the church for their forbearance through the extended period of the work on site; every one of the volunteers who continue to give freely of their time; and the architects and contractors who have been at pains not to disrupt church services, and weddings in particular, whilst completing their work activities.

Last but not least, congratulations to the members of the Steering Group for doing what it says on the tin and steering the project through to satisfactory completion.

So you see when push comes to shove and all things are considered and taken into consideration, it’s not just a roof but also a protector of a priceless asset, an emblem for the building’s heritage, a stimulus for other projects and so much more.

Words by Phil Heron


JUNE 2017

South roof re-tiled and ready for the last few finishing touches. Work now well under way to re-tile the North roof and complete the Tower roof restoration works.


MAY 2017

Still making good progress with re-tiling the South roof.


APRIL 2017

The weather since the start of the project has been kind. In April both North and South roofs were repaired and re-felted. Work then turned toward re-tiling the South roof :-


MARCH 2017

Work commences !!!!

The Contractors arrived on site 27th February 2017 as planned. Here are a few photos taken in March 2017 showing how the work progressed:-


You will doubtless be aware that for some time now we have been planning extensive re-roofing works to All Saints, Church. 

The works are due to start on Monday 27 February and are expected to continue until at least 14 June.   

For the duration of the works the north and front elevations of the church building are likely to be covered with scaffolding and the contractors will establish their site cabins probably within the north east corner of the churchyard.

Their work will only be undertaken during normal working hours Monday – Friday and our intention is that this should cause as little disturbance as possible. 

If you need to know more specific details of the working arrangements please contact any of the following:


Phil Heron – Churchwarden                        01904 744621

Tricia Davis – Treasurer                             01904 744439

Ian Connolly – Friends of ASBP Treasurer    01904 744611


If you want to see the process that we have gone through up until now then take a look at our
Restoration Archive page.