All Saints' Church Bolton Percy
Here is our privacy policy and other policies. They are reviewed and revised from time to time and are subject to change without notice. Your use of this site, in any and all forms, constitutes an acceptance of these policies.


This website does not share personal information with third parties, nor do we store any information about your visit to this website other than to analyse and optimise your content and reading experiences using cookies and analytics software.

Users may be asked to provide personal details when donating to our church via Paypal or, or purchasing tickets via Paypal. In this case the details are used solely for that purpose and we will not use your personal details for any other purpose. Please view the privacy details of these individual websites for their policies and to see how they use and store your data.


We use cookies to store information about visitor preferences and to record user-specific information on visits and pages the user views so as to help us improve our users’ experiences.
You can turn off the use of cookies at any time by changing your browser settings.


We are not responsible for republished content from this website, on other websites, blogs or other places without our permission. If you wish to use images or content from this website on another website, blog or another place please get in touch via the Contact page.


We are not responsible for content on the websites that we link to from this website.